werewolf Site Admin

Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 1240 Location: Luton UK
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:32 am Post subject: Requiem:A place for the fallen |
Requiem:A place for the fallen
I was astonished to hear the other day that a good old friend of ours
whom had been out of touch for a long period, had come across this
website. At first, he was delighted -over the moon- with being back in
touch with the old tribe. However, within minutes he was stunned to learn
of the death of Steve Harle as he was a close pal. He had barely got over
that shock when he learnt about the late Dave Barr whom he was also
friends with! - double whammy!
It is far from our wishes that visiting our site should be a traumatic
experience for anyone, but facts are sadly facts and I don't need to
remind anyone that we are not getting any younger.
It struck us that there are loads of folk from the old days who for one
reason or another, are unaware of this website, or not Internet savvy
or don't have a connection. UK Decay Communities is the only one as
far as we know, that caters for 1978 –1989 post-punk culture for this
In order to prepare such newcomers to UK Decay Communities for
possible shocks, this forum will be dedicated our late, fallen members
of our tribe.
Therefore, without trying to be morbid, people can brace themselves
and look here first to see if any of their friends have passed over.
It will be an ongoing process, first to get everyone that we know of from
other posts on this website, placed in here. Any help will be appreciated,
if you don’t see someone that ought to be here please feel free to set up
a new topic for that fallen hero. Secondly, well we hope everyone will live
a long happy life but unfortunately, we are loosing people all the time.
It would be a good thing to have a place where any such sad news gets
Who should be posted?
You should post in this forum if you were involved with UK Decay and
the communities, bands and post punk tribes that were based in the
Home Counties region of the UK centred on Luton.
With particular significance to the late seventies and eighties, however,
if there are other appropriate reasons you think important eg. the death
of someone significant that’s already well known ie an important musician
etc. then go ahead
If you think there may be other people in our community that will be
interested to learn of someone’s passing, then please don’t hesitate to
Please keep any tributes or comments to the ‘Topic’ ie person applicable,
we don’t want to confuse the community
The forum will be for the time being, be free of log in or registration to
allow anonymous to comment but will be closely monitored by the
Any detrimental or insensitive comments will be removed.
Visit The new UK Decay Communities