werewolf Site Admin

Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 1240 Location: Luton UK
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:03 pm Post subject: UK DECAY- SUMMER 2012 - T-SHIRTS - OFFER |
T-Shirt Summer 2012 Offer
UK Decay Communities Merchandise Newsletter Summer 2012
Hi there everybody!
Just to mention, this is NOT an official 'Pledge' notification! That will come
in due course...meanwhile...
This is a quick update from the Werewolf of the UK Decay communities
on a couple matters that may be of interest to you.
First, on behalf of UK Decay Communities we would like to thank
everybody for their kind support in helping make it possible for the band
to create and record their first album in 31 years. There can't be many
bands who have left it that long between recording albums! Whether you
have 'Pledged, or are just plain interested in UK Decay, doesn't matter.
The band are really humbled and are most grateful for your support and
The recordings with “The Dark Lord” are going very well, another few
weeks now and the recording process will be done. We shall let you know
of a release date for the album, as soon as we know.With the new
album, there of course will be new artwork and a new 'mission' for the
band. It will be a time to look forward again, instead of looking back to
the bands earlier period.
Later this year we hope to re-vamp the UK Decay Communities website
to reflect this exciting new phase of the bands career.
Now the summer sunshine is here with us at last, how about a spanking
brand new UK Decay T-Shirt? Over the coming summer, we shall be
opening a new shop area for merchandise amongst other things, it will
have a new range of UK Decay T Shirt's based on designs we had made
for the 'Pledger's'. We got a few of these more than we needed so, we
have some designs and sizes on offer for a tenner below. We also have a
number of the classic “For Madmen Only” shirts on offer at £6.50 each.
If you are interested, please check the availability of different
sizes/designs etc. on our Summer 2012 T-Shirt OFFER PAGE.
Also I would like to mention, Ray the drummer, is selling Steve Harles
old drum kit.
This is the drum kit as featured on the album “For Madmen Only”, has
been with both Decay's earlier period and later period. It is with great
sadness that Ray has to sell it, but if possible he would like it to go to
“a good home”. Everything is explained in the link here.
Well that is it for now, there will be more news of the new album, website,
future gigs etc. shortly.
Enjoy the Sunshine - Your Thankyoument!
Werewolf on behalf of UK Decay Communities _________________
Visit The new UK Decay Communities