werewolf Site Admin

Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 1240 Location: Luton UK
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:44 am Post subject: M.I.A (missing in action) |
M.I.A (missing in action)
This brand new forum has been opened (bring out the Champas!)
to quote Blink..........
"For people to list names of people they want to trace
so that others can use the forum with any information they might have on
listed names.,,.does this make sense…an example is..i would like to find
phil crum , played guitar for the phallic symbols and rattlesnakes the last
I heard he was living back in his native Glasgow…then other people could
add relevant information.."M.I.A (missing in action)
So lets get the ball rolling!
In a sense that has already to a certain degree happened in the 3 year
life of UK Decay Communities. But the job of 're-uniting' old friends is
far from over! As time goes by, none of us are getting any younger and
sadly many have already made it to the 'other-side'!
Others have moved on into different spaces and circumstances, let this
forum be a space especially for those seeking information regarding
lost friends and aquaintances!
Thanks for the simple but brilliant idea Blink!
To use this forum please create a 'new topic' include the name of the
person you are seeking in 'The Subject' text box and maybe a few words
about the persons background in the 'Message body' then click 'submit'
Anyone with any information on the 'MIA' person can then add it to the
thread by clicking 'Post reply'....simple! _________________
Visit The new UK Decay Communities